Discover Michiana Tour

The purpose of a Discover Michiana tour is to enlighten people both young or old, residents or visitors, students or business people, of the wonderful history we have here in this community by showing the various points of interest and have lots of fun doing it! Our community’s history includes some very interesting industrial inventions and developments, excellent educational campuses, exceptional sports venues and wonderful neighborhoods ranging from renovated historical to modern upscale. And for shopping, the “Golden Corridor” is a destination for people from miles around.

Depending on the group’s objectives, Tim the Tour man can modify the tour to include mostly historical events and places of interest if there are students desiring a field trip where the objective is really to Discover Michiana through its history. Or a tour can be focused on business and feature a driving tour in and around the area spotlighting on the many industrial parks and the newly developed Ignition Park; the old Studebaker corridor. If it’s a tour of the area to discover the type of neighborhood you’d love to live in and you have real estate in mind, the trip can focus on that as well.

Just know that Michiana is a great place to live and work and raise a family and many of us don’t really know what we have right here! We have everything a metropolitan city has, just not as big, but certainly not as expensive! And getting around is real easy; rarely a traffic jam and for the most part an infrastructure conducive for moving people from one side of the county to the other very efficiently.

If you want to include a specific destination to take in a museum or an historical home, have a picnic in the park, enjoy a festival for an afternoon in a neighboring town or enjoy a band concert as part of your tour, Tim can work out all those details and make the event fun for everyone. And he doesn’t think any Discover Michiana Tour is complete without a short stop at the South Bend Chocolate Company’s factory!

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